A Collection of Regency Stories!

Olivia Bennet

Today, I have something quite different for you. We all love Regency and Victorian facts and we can definitely appreciate the depth they gives to the era. 

They’re wonderful, but I sometimes find them a tad bland, as they don’t give me that lively feeling I so much desire. While reading some real-life romances from back then, they were presented in such a technical way, it killed the “fire” for me. 

But worry not!

I have three short stories to share with you, all inspired by real-life Victorian love. I’ll try to keep them short and to the point and I’ll leave the rest to your imagination 😉

Who knows, maybe one of them will appear in my next book! 

1) Childhood Lovers meet again

Standing up from the large chair beside him, Nathaniel, Duke of Hemmington, directed his gaze outside the window, seeing the figure of Lady Natalie in a bright, red gown emerge. He couldn’t tell much from her appearance— it was too far away. 

It scared him. The idea of meeting his childhood love after such a long time sent shivers down his spine, but with a deep breath, he convinced himself that everything would be all right. 

The march to the dining room felt endless, but he knew it would be worth it. The creaking sound of the door heightened the tension. 

As he stepped in, Lady Natalie turned toward him, staring with those icy blue eyes of hers. Her peach face hadn’t changed at all – it still had that angelic gleam on it and that softness he desired. Her lips were fuller than he remembered; those lips he had always wished to get lost in. 

But what made his heart skip a beat was her body. Oh god, her body was so much different. Carved by the Gods, her bosom and hips were something he wished his hands would be permitted to touch. Shaking his head, he stopped any dirty thoughts from entering his mind. 

“Lady Natalie, it’s so nice to meet you,” he uttered, making his voice deeper than normal. 

“Likewise, Your Grace,” 

The fidgeting of her fingers revealed to him the nervousness she was feeling, but the quieverness of her voice made her so vulnerable and appealing. 

“I missed you, Natalie,” he suddenly said, making her eyes widen in surprise.

But her face quickly softened as she grinned. 

“I missed you too, Nathaniel.” 

These words unleashed all the suppressed feelings as he stood there, certain that this was the start of their happy life together. 

2) A Lady Denying Desire

“You’re the most despicable and rude Lord I have met in my entire life! Get away from me!” Lady Jane uttered, pushing Heath, the Earl of Langton, out of the way. 

They had always teased each other, but this time, things had taken a turn for the worse. She was starting to have… feelings for him.

Lady Jane walked hastily to the garden, wishing to escape his hideous figure. He was not appealing in the slightest.

With his brown honey eyes, his tanned muscled body, his…his undesirable full lips. He was a monster she couldn’t bear to look at. 

A groan escaped her lips, as she sat down on a bench, struggling to direct her thoughts elsewhere and not to the Earl she was married to. She didn’t want to love him, she needed to hate him. 

Looking at the castle, her breath hitched at the sight of Heath taking steady steps toward her, his face impossible to read. 

She looked away, a childish part convincing her that if she pretended to not see him, he wouldn’t get any closer. But she was so terribly wrong. 

“Jane,” his deep voice made her wince. “I’m sorry but you need to understand where I’m coming from.”

Allowing her eyes to meet with his, butterflies were circling her stomach. 

“We have been married for a month now. A whole month, Jane.” 

“I know we’ve never liked each other, but don’t you think you’re going too far? You’ve been avoiding me for days and the moment, I try to talk to you, you do this. Tell me, what have I done?” 

His body was inches away from hers, his deep breath hitting the crook of her neck as she forgot how to move. The smell of his perfume hit her nostrils, their eyes meeting once more. 

With every courage she could muster, she moved her head closer, allowing their lips to meet. At first it was soft, sweet, gentle. But as the seconds passed, the fire inside of her burned stronger and they were left breathless in desire. 

“I’m sorry. I’ll make sure to make it up to you.”

“Oh, trust me, Jane, you’ve done so much more than just make up for it.” 

Their lips met once again, certain that their days would be much happier from now on. 

3) A Duke that Learns Love

The ladies in the ball room couldn’t take his eyes off him as he stood to the side, avoiding interacting with anyone but his sister, who sadly, was off to dance with yet another suitor. 

He couldn’t take much longer of their drooling. Unsure as to why this was occurring, he rolled his eyes, needing to breath fresh air. 

He has always avoided balls and social events, but his sister’s pleads were something he could never say no to. 

Taking a last look at the unnecessarily bright room, he walked outside, inhaling the rainy smell emitting from the cloudy sky. 

Somehow, he had managed to find the quietest place possible, away from anyone and allowing him the quiet time he so much needed. But as he lied down on a bench, the sound of giggles reached his ears, making the hair on his skin stand. It was loud, high pitched and obviously from a female. 

Ghosts were the first thing that came to his mind, although he was unsure why. But as he peeked through the corner, the sight of a woman emerged in her books and laughing caught him off guard. Her legs were spread on either side of the bench, revealing some of her skin and making his member throb. 

Walking closer, his left foot met with the crunchy leaves, catching the woman’s attention. 

“Oh my!” she exclaimed, fixing her dressings and avoiding his piercing gaze. “You shouldn’t sneak on people like that.” 

He couldn’t help but chuckle at her, watching as strands of her blonde hair fell on her face. He was eager to push them out of the way, but he stopped himself from such a feat.

“You didn’t choose the most ideal place, did you?” he teased, watching her face turn a hundred shades of red. 

“I was reading. I didn’t know anyone would be here,” 

“It’s okay. My fault for not warning you.” 

The awkward silence was soon replaced by talk of the books she loved and the places she wished to travel. The Far East was her dream, as she claimed. 

His eyes kept traveling to her rosey lips and he noticed that she also kept turning her eyes at him, wanting to say more than she was revealing. 

Inching his head closer, time stopped as his lips met with hers and his fingers intertwined with hers. 

Pulling away, both of them breathless, he knew she was the one. She was the one he wanted to marry and the one he would ask for her hand in marriage for. 

So there you have it! I know this has been very different from what you’re used to, but I couldn’t help myself! I LOVE romance stories and I just needed to share them with you! 😀

So what do you think? Did you like them? Should I write more articles like this one? 

-Written by Olivia Bennet

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